Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Birthday Bashful

Oh man. Sorry for not posting anything in so many days!! I've been ultra busy with school work and figuring out what major I should pursue and which T lines I should take, etc. ANYWAY! Today is the extra-special birthday edition of BTEB, so my pictures are birthday themed, mostly. :)
I woke up this morning to find my room completely decorated with streamers and a present next to my bed thanks to my wonderful roomie. The present consisted of mostly "Happy Birthday" garb such as a crown, pin, beads, etc. The room was another matter altogether...
The decorations everywhere were wonderful, though maybe a little bit hindering to my daily routine. For example, this banner that was strung from one corner of my dresser to the other which made opening the drawers rather difficult, and the "Happy 1st Birthday!!" streamers covering the entire mirror on the back of the door made it hard to make sure I didn't look like a hobo before I left :P (Apparently my roommate didn't know that the streamers said "1" until she hung them up, but that's okay. It was a nice surprise, if not a few years off :)

Since I forgot to take pictures at my birthday dinner at Chipotle, I took some pictures of the sweet decorations the roomie and I have in our dorm room.
I LOVE my star lamp, which, paired with my roommate's 'tree-light' gives our room a wonderful glow that is much more favorable than the stark white fluorescent light from the ceiling. It makes our room quite zen, which I love.

These Victorian frame wall stickers have been, in fact, not very sticky and have been taped up multiple times. Our room has switched from humid to freezing so many times from the broken window, it's no wonder we can't hang up those darn Command hooks!! Sorry again for this post being both so long after the last and so late at night.