Tuesday, September 14, 2010

¡Gracias, el Tiempo!

Thunderstorms last night, and rain apparently until right before I got out of class! Lucky day. Today is after-sickness housekeeping day, so I'll be throwing everything in the washing machine :)
Oh! I got you that picture of the façade that I promised:
202 Bay State Rd. 
Creepy, eh? Especially so because the rain made dark lines like tear-tracks down the faces. We-eird! 
Today the weather has been funky. When I went to sleep it was raining, when I woke up it was sunny, and then when I got out of class it looked like it had just rained, and the sky was fairly dark. Oh, Boston. At least it isn't as hot anymore as the past few weeks. It was around 50 degrees the other day, though, and everyone was complaining. Just can't have happy city folk, I suppose. 
The side of a building on Bay State and Granby
I knew BU was a green university, but this just about takes the cake for the greenest building on campus. So many of the buildings are covered with ivy on at least one side, and the effect is really cool when the wind is blowing. The wall appears to shift or wiggle; it's awesome. 
BU's very own Castle!
Known simply as "the Castle", this very strange building is attached to the old Hillel center, and across Granby St. from the new one. It's on the northwest corner of Granby and Bay State. I think people (perhaps students) actually live inside, because there is an entrance on the Granby side of the building with a red plaque like all the BU buildings have. There is also a "Back Patio Grill" or something like that behind the Castle, which always seems to advertise as open, that I definitely need to check out at some point. This is also very very spooky to walk past in the middle of the night on the way back from the George Sherman Student Union (GSU). 
Outside another residence
The trees are taking over!! I have walked by this brownstone every day and didn't notice this strange friendship until two days ago. It looks pretty darn cool and reminds me of the Loading screen for an old Clue game for PC that I got out of a cereal box. I wish I lived there! :(
Poor, poor bicycle :(
This guy has just been beaten to a pulp. I'm sure this bike has been there for a very long time, since the wheels are rusted; what's left of them, anyway. Every day I walk by, and it seems that whoever put it there didn't think it was worth it to bring back the damaged bike. Shame, shame. Enjoy the end-of-summer weather :)