Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Lamest Saturday in the History of College

Woke up in the morning feelin' like P. Diddy... if P. Diddy had a head cold and had just slept for 11 hours. Since I am trying to fully recuperate before my three a cappella auditions tomorrow, I will not be going out and about today. This means pictures from the dorm room! (and left-overs from yesterday)
The view from my window
I'm lucky enough to be on the north side of the building, so my view is of the Charles River, some MIT buildings, and Storrow Drive. Unfortunately, for those of you who don't know, Storrow Drive is essentially a highway, that I have generously excluded from this picture. However, the fact that the Charles is right there makes up for the loud traffic at night. 
This afternoon when I woke up I went down to the dining hall and made a waffle, which ended up having the Boston University Terrier logo in the middle of it! Snazzy! I ate that plate-o-carbs and grabbed two apples for later.
Aforementioned apples hanging out on my bedspread
I figure I might as well load up on some Vitamin-whatever while I'm sick as a dog. I suppose I'll share with you some pictures from yesterday that didn't make it into the blog post since I won't be taking any newbies today.
The brownstone whose pillar I showed yesterday
Seriously, there will be so many more pictures of brownstones, simply because they're so cool and most of them have some unique feature about them that I see something new every time I walk down Bay State. 
Brownstones and the Pru piercing the sky in the distance
The Prudential Center is GIGANTIC. Seriously. You can see it from virtually everywhere on campus. It's several blocks from BU, but it has definitely helped me figure out what direction I need to go in to get home on more than one occasion. The Citgo sign, though it is currently not turned on for renovations (bummer!), is also an excellent landmark because it sits on top of the Barnes & Noble at Boston University, which is about one block south of my dorm. I took this picture because the sky looked so menacing and the Pru was just sticking into the middle of the dark clouds, infallible as ever.
Trying out my UV lens
The weather in Boston changes over the course of a day more times than I can count. Wednesday morning my roommate and I were woken up at about 6 am by extremely loud thunder that shook our nearly century-old building. Rain was pounding the roof of the dining hall below and the sky was extremely dark, so we dressed for classes as if we were going to face the Great Flood. Turns out, by 9:30 am, the ground was completely dry and not a single cloud was in the sky, so I looked like a huge idiot with my giant rain boots and umbrella. Chalk one up for Boston!
Today the weather is beautiful but all I want to do is take a nap, so I think that's what I'm going to do. More exciting things than this tomorrow! Promise :)