Monday, September 13, 2010


Brand new week! One hour of class and off into the wonderful world of office assistant jobbing. Not a bad first day, made literally 500 copies of an 8-page test which took like a bazillion reams of paper. Anywho! There's supposed to be rain today, but it hasn't happened yet, so I have some pictures of gloomy ol' Boston from about 10 minutes ago...
Right next to Shelton. Rain is coming!
Belated picture of the Citgo sign
So I haven't put up a picture of the Citgo sign until now. This beaut is about a block away from my dorm and GIGANTIC. Seriously. Unfortunately, so far this year it hasn't been lit up at night, but I'm assuming that the renovations being done on it are to make it more energy efficient, so that's good. This is my #1 landmark as a University student. I can see it from a good distance away, and it's especially helpful if I'm in an area where the only thing around are brownstones and I don't know how far away my dorm is. Soon, apparently, it'll be 'bright as ever', which is really magnificent, for those who haven't seen it. I'll definitely post some pictures when that happens :)
"Explosion" statue outside CAS Chemistry building
Right outside where I work is this fantastic statue. I'm not sure whether I love or absolutely hate it. Either way, it's there and it's the only way that I know which building to go in :)
Behind it is the Morse Auditorium, which is pretty fancy and holds large lectures as well as the "Boston University Experience", whatever that is. 
Outside of the Chemistry building - Art project
There's an art project outside the CAS Chemistry building that features prominent Chemists, Biologists, and Physicists from all through history. These portraits are composed of iron flakings attached to fabric which is then rubbed with salt (?) and somehow the impression ends up on the concrete and is supposed to last for a while. Pretty cool idea :)

Sassafrass McGee
Pigeons are not afraid of humans. At all. Sassafrass McGee over here walked RIGHT next to me on Deerfield St, without even flapping his wings or running away. I was actually a little bit scared of him, so I walked quickly away immediately after taking this picture. There were about seven pigeons right in the middle of the road that didn't seem to care that traffic was coming, so I suppose that's a good Darwinian reinforcement method. Or something. 
Aanywayy... That's what I saw today, minus a really really really cool brownstone façade that I'll post the next day that I end up walking past it (aka tomorrow probs) Bon semaine!