Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry [Early] Christmas!!

Hello everyone! So this is the official BeeSweezy Christmas Edition!! YAYY! It actually snowed a considerable amount last night so it was a white [early] Christmas here at home, which made it super awesome. We did our family's Christmas early because we'll be traveling until two days after real Christmas to our extended families. 
Anyway, such an early Christmas requires early preparation; wrapping! I decided to go with a color scheme this year: blue/silver for the boyfriend and red/gold/green for the family. 
The blue collection!

I got really into wrapping the presents and made fancy little flourishes to each one. They may have ended up looking slightly garish, but hey, I tried.
Boyfriend's present with weird silver leaf thing

 My cat, Sarge, decided to help with the wrapping, or rather, he chased the ribbons around until I had to banish him from the room.
The un-helper of the event

 After all the presents were under the tree it was super awesome and actually started to feel like Christmas, so here's a little photo to help spread the joy of the season :)
Super-freakin' Christmassy!

No matter what you celebrate, I hope you have a great winter break [YEAHH!]!! I know I'm looking forward to sleeping in and playing video games and drinking hot cocoa and watching terrible reality television! Woo! <3