Monday, December 13, 2010

A Guide to Studying for Finals

Today marks the first day of the study period. I guess technically it started on Saturday, but who seriously studies on the weekend? No one. Unless you're like my suitemate and had a final this morning. Yuck!
Anyway, This terrible day means that I actually have to stop procrastinating and start studying for my Thursday and Saturday finals (but guess what I'm doing right now by posting this... yeah). I have three finals coming up and far too much time to study for them, which means that I'm probably going to be not very productive. Oh well. I'm going to try, though, don't get me wrong. I even made out a list of my study tools to walk you through my study process.
Step 1. Assemble supplies:
  • Enriched Calculus textbook
  • History of Architecture textbook
  • Fifth semester French workbook
  • Fifth semester French reading

  • Notebooks containing the notes you've taken for the past 3.5 months in class
  • Planner
  • Folders containing worksheets/essays/graded work/tests/etc.

  • Monstrously gigantic laptop
  • Assorted pens, pencils, highlighters
  • Large eraser
  • Post-It notes
  • iPod (not pictured)
  • Index cards (not pictured)
Step 2: Study...?
Note: This will be a tedious process. DO NOT get frustrated and smash aforementioned computer. Work MUST be done at desk, where ethernet cord cannot reach, otherwise you WILL get distracted by playing typing games or solitaire or Facebook. 

Step 3: ?

Step 4: Profit.
Well, not really, but hopefully good grades :) <3