Saturday, December 11, 2010

Hot Like Apple Pie!

Okay, so today was freakishly warm. Last night I was mentally prepping myself for the a cappella performance I had in Faneuil Hall today. I had an entire outfit decided, which consisted of a long sleeve shirt, sweatshirt, coat, scarf, hat, gloves, leggings, jeans, thick thick socks, and kicks. I would be the toastiest person there!
Then, when I woke up it turned out to be 45 degrees all day and the only extra warmth I needed was a jacket. You'd better believe that I still brought a scarf, hat, and mittens with me in my purse just in case.
Anyway, the performance got cancelled, and I ended up hanging out in Quincy Market for a good amount of time.
The decorations in Government center were so nice and cheery that I thought I'd share some pictures with you!!! Enjoy this small gallery :)

Faneuil Hall (sorry the picture is slightly slanted :\)
The Christmas Tree (Seriously, this thing was mammoth.)
Even the crazy lightposts were decked out in style.
I'm not really sure why this picture exists... it's not really focused on anything. Sorry about that...

I tried to go out tonight to see the lights in full-swing, but instead I sat in the dining hall for an hour and a half with my suitemates and then watched another hour and a half of SNL skits on Hulu, soooooooooo... tomorrow maybe???
Sorry that this post is kind of short, I just wanted to share the magic of Boston Christmas with you guys :))