Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry [Early] Christmas!!

Hello everyone! So this is the official BeeSweezy Christmas Edition!! YAYY! It actually snowed a considerable amount last night so it was a white [early] Christmas here at home, which made it super awesome. We did our family's Christmas early because we'll be traveling until two days after real Christmas to our extended families. 
Anyway, such an early Christmas requires early preparation; wrapping! I decided to go with a color scheme this year: blue/silver for the boyfriend and red/gold/green for the family. 
The blue collection!

I got really into wrapping the presents and made fancy little flourishes to each one. They may have ended up looking slightly garish, but hey, I tried.
Boyfriend's present with weird silver leaf thing

 My cat, Sarge, decided to help with the wrapping, or rather, he chased the ribbons around until I had to banish him from the room.
The un-helper of the event

 After all the presents were under the tree it was super awesome and actually started to feel like Christmas, so here's a little photo to help spread the joy of the season :)
Super-freakin' Christmassy!

No matter what you celebrate, I hope you have a great winter break [YEAHH!]!! I know I'm looking forward to sleeping in and playing video games and drinking hot cocoa and watching terrible reality television! Woo! <3

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Ho Ho Home for the Holidays!

So I haven't posted in a while, even though I've been home since Saturday afternoon. Sorry about that :( This actually won't be a real post either because my pictures are on my camera at home and I'm elsewhere until Thursday night or possibly Monday, but HANG TIGHT because it's going to be a superChristmasholidayaganza!!!!!
That's right.

So far I've decorated three trees, drank two cups of hot cocoa (not enough by far), and wrapped about 7 presents. And a partridge in a pear tree. Plus I did my laundry today, so bonus points for me! Speaking of bonus I just figured out (finally) how to get the basic Microsoft games onto my boyfriend's computer (helloooo minesweeper!) which weren't installed for some stupid reason (damn you Windows 7), which basically means that I searched "why don't I have basic Microsoft games on my Windows 7" and read the first answer that came up. I lovee Google. [Sidenote: I'm not using his computer to ignore him, he's wrapping my present and obviously I can't be there so I'm bored and am super addicted to finding those mines!]
Aaanyway, on the agenda still: wrapping about 10 more presents, baking/decorating/devouring Christmas cookies, seeing Tron (unrelated), drinking more hot cocoa, some egg nog, taking a last-minute trip to the mall, opening presents, and making a real blog post.

Hopefully those things will go smoothly, and you can expect some real stuff /potentially/ on Thursday night after fambly Christmas is done. Happy Holidays!! <3

Friday, December 17, 2010

Goin' International!!!!

It has come to my attention that this blog has, for some reason, become nearly as popular in Germany this week as it has been in the U.S.! Sweet! Vielen Dank! Other international readers that deserve to be mentioned are from Canada, Greece, and Croatia! So that's awesome :)
Thanks everyone for reading, and I'm sorry that this isn't really a real post by any means, but right now I'm focusing on studying for my Architecture final that I have tomorrow morning. Once I go home for the holidays you'll get more real stuff to read/look at :3
P.S.!!! The blog now has over 500 views!!! YAYYYY!! :D

Monday, December 13, 2010

A Guide to Studying for Finals

Today marks the first day of the study period. I guess technically it started on Saturday, but who seriously studies on the weekend? No one. Unless you're like my suitemate and had a final this morning. Yuck!
Anyway, This terrible day means that I actually have to stop procrastinating and start studying for my Thursday and Saturday finals (but guess what I'm doing right now by posting this... yeah). I have three finals coming up and far too much time to study for them, which means that I'm probably going to be not very productive. Oh well. I'm going to try, though, don't get me wrong. I even made out a list of my study tools to walk you through my study process.
Step 1. Assemble supplies:
  • Enriched Calculus textbook
  • History of Architecture textbook
  • Fifth semester French workbook
  • Fifth semester French reading

  • Notebooks containing the notes you've taken for the past 3.5 months in class
  • Planner
  • Folders containing worksheets/essays/graded work/tests/etc.

  • Monstrously gigantic laptop
  • Assorted pens, pencils, highlighters
  • Large eraser
  • Post-It notes
  • iPod (not pictured)
  • Index cards (not pictured)
Step 2: Study...?
Note: This will be a tedious process. DO NOT get frustrated and smash aforementioned computer. Work MUST be done at desk, where ethernet cord cannot reach, otherwise you WILL get distracted by playing typing games or solitaire or Facebook. 

Step 3: ?

Step 4: Profit.
Well, not really, but hopefully good grades :) <3

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Restaurant Review: Cambridge 1

Today my roommate and I went out to lunch at Fenway's Cambridge, 1. pizza place. Holycrapohmygosh it was the best pizza of all time. I knew this previous to today's endeavor, however (heh, rhyme), because I went with my boyfriend and his family before a Regina Spektor concert at the House of Blues last September.
Nice atmosphere!! Minimalist decorating

Anyway, their pizza is absolutely fantastic. Choosing between the items on their menu was seriously one of the most difficult lunch decisions I've made in a while. I ended up getting the baby arugula, fontina, and parmigiano pizza, which was, as you can see, basically a salad on top of pizza crust, but it was SO GOOD. In the background is my roommate's pizza, which was artichoke, roasted tomatoes, goat cheese, and spinach. YumYum! 
My half-pizza (salad)

Seriously. If you're ever in the Fenway area, this place gets 5 stars by me (out of 5). The service was super fast, too! Amazing. :) <3

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Hot Like Apple Pie!

Okay, so today was freakishly warm. Last night I was mentally prepping myself for the a cappella performance I had in Faneuil Hall today. I had an entire outfit decided, which consisted of a long sleeve shirt, sweatshirt, coat, scarf, hat, gloves, leggings, jeans, thick thick socks, and kicks. I would be the toastiest person there!
Then, when I woke up it turned out to be 45 degrees all day and the only extra warmth I needed was a jacket. You'd better believe that I still brought a scarf, hat, and mittens with me in my purse just in case.
Anyway, the performance got cancelled, and I ended up hanging out in Quincy Market for a good amount of time.
The decorations in Government center were so nice and cheery that I thought I'd share some pictures with you!!! Enjoy this small gallery :)

Faneuil Hall (sorry the picture is slightly slanted :\)
The Christmas Tree (Seriously, this thing was mammoth.)
Even the crazy lightposts were decked out in style.
I'm not really sure why this picture exists... it's not really focused on anything. Sorry about that...

I tried to go out tonight to see the lights in full-swing, but instead I sat in the dining hall for an hour and a half with my suitemates and then watched another hour and a half of SNL skits on Hulu, soooooooooo... tomorrow maybe???
Sorry that this post is kind of short, I just wanted to share the magic of Boston Christmas with you guys :))

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Return of the Sweez'

Hello everybody!!! Sorry that this is about... oh, I don't know... 2 months late. I've been crazy busy with homework and a cappella and unnecessary reading assignments and figuring out what in the world to do with my life. You know, the usual. So flash forward to now, and it's Holiday Dinner night at Shelton Dining Hall!! Hoooray!!! It was decorated soo festively and made me want to go home even sooner. Now that my week is essentially done, I have study period from Saturday through Thursday, when my first two finals are. Then I have another measly final on Saturday and I'm ready to Amtrak it on out of here!
Since the pictures that I post today weren't taken specifically for the blog, the quality is suuuuper low and lame, so I'm sorry for that :\ First off, the Holiday Dinner!
How cute, right??
SO that was delicious and wonderful. There was even a cheese bar!!!! That's right, folks. There was also some sort of chicken and sirloin and tons of gingerbread :) It's holiday time and I'm sooo excited!!!

To digress from the magic of winter, here are some pictures that I took while I was at the Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) two months ago to tide you over until I find something cool to post for tomorrow...
The grand entry staircase
There was a fashion exhibit going on at the time, which meant that random mannequins were all over the museum sporting some form of 20th century frock. The dresses were pretty cool, but my friend and I were not able to look around the entire museum, because we got there at 4 (thank you, MBTA), and the MFA closes at 5.
Another huge exhibit was a bunch of ancient Asian artwork and sculptures. There were tons of Buddhas in one alcove that was very poorly lit and pretty creepy, but I took a picture of one, just for you. 
Pretty cool, eh?
Apart from the Buddhas, there were tons of scrolls and ancient poetry and paintings. The exhibit was actually huge and it took us a good portion of 45 minutes to walk through it all (and then figure out how to escape). As we caroused the more modern sections, we saw a really cool wall (aka giant artwork) that was right across from the gift shop. 
Whaaat!? Chairs on the wallllllsss!!!!
Okay -- make that "chairs and purses covered in tiny pieces of mirror"
That's cool, MFA. I can roll with that. 
Then, as we were perusing the gift shop in search of, I don't know, sweet gifts(?), the lights started shutting off and we were quickly ushered to the nearest exit and thrown out in the pouring rain. Not cool, MFA. Not cool. 
Anywho, that's all the pictures I really have, which is super lame and I'm so sorry that I missed fall completely. I'm such a bad blogger, guys. I promise that I will make an effort to bring you only the best of what goes on here in the life of B-Sweez', so keep your eyes and ears peeled! (But don't forget to wear hats and scarves and mittens because it is getting SOOO cold in Beantown :((( booo!) 

P.S. I'm probably going to end up re-doing the whole blog thing this coming week because it's study period and I'll be procrastinating at one point or another. Plus, let's face it, Bay State Road looks exactly the same all the way down it, sooo I'll be trying to incorporate some things that don't necessarily stick to the theme. Or maybe I'll change the theme. Don't read this, I'm rambling. Well, yeah. I'm going to go watch Keyboard Cat a few thousand more times because it is quite obviously the best meme in the entire world. 
Kay love bye!! :3