Sunday, January 6, 2013

Resolution and Resolve (or the Lack Thereof)

So resolutions kind of suck.

I make them and I don't think I have ever stuck to a single one I've ever made in my life.

For example, this year I was all, "Oh yeah I won't drink anything besides water!" and before I know it I'd downed two cups of coffee and a soda before 3pm January 1st. Good job sticking to your guns, kid! It's not that I'm consciously neglecting my resolution (in this case), I'm just running my life in autopilot and didn't realize that it actually takes work to consciously change the things that I do by habit every day. SO, here is the list of resolutions that most likely will not last me until next week. I keep telling myself that I haven't started them yet to make myself feel better, but let's be real, I just have no inner strength. Which brings me to my list:

1. Get some inner strength and motivation to do things I don't want to do.
2. Similarly, STOP PROCRASTINATING (I'm the worst).
3. Actually go to the gym. (Having G as a partner will really help this because she can kick my ass and already goes to the gym like a good person.) This includes eating better.
4. Don't drink anything besides water. (This one has some exceptions, like birthdays, including my 21st. Include a less-than-excited "woo".)
5. Get a normal person's sleep schedule. (Harder for me than it sounds. The whole sleeping from 4am-4pm thing isn't going to fly when I have three 8am classes this semester. Oy.)
6. Actually care about school work and do my best on them instead of taking the easy way out most of the time.
7. Related: build up my portfolio.
8. Get a summer internship!
9. Graduate. (This one is kind of a freebie since it's already pretty set up. Only 11 more months!)
10. I can't think of anything else right now but stopping before 10 would've killed me.

So as I said before, these haven't "officially" started yet, I guess going to school is my new year starting-point. Some of these things are reasonable and some are not really so much. Anyway, I'm going to try to stick to them and hopefully eventually they'll just be habit and I won't have to physically stop myself from eating really crappy food all the time (pretty difficult in college but we'll see).

Good luck everyone with your resolutions! However plausible they may be. Hopefully by this time next year I won't be such a lazy child. And will have a degree. And a job. And be spectacularly toned.
I've already got the wishful thinking part down.