Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What a Twist!

Guys guys guys, I'm doing it! For reals!

In a surprising turn of events, I've actually stuck to my resolutions! Of the resolutions I listed last time, I've been following 1-7 almost entirely, and it's the end of January! That's actually a record for me.
The only discrepancy is that I have been drinking coffee and tea in addition to water, but still no soda! I've been going to the gym like it's my job and eating a lot better. As far as sleeping goes, I've been doing a lot better but not perfect. However, I've been keeping up with my schoolwork like never before, which is probably because I actually like my classes this year.
My thesis course, Graphic Design for Corporate Identity, is actually super interesting but it's going to be a crapload of work. At least I really like doing what we're doing. For our first project we were matched up with a partner and are working on designing a logo for them, which is really exciting because that's what I want to be doing in real life. I'll post the final here when I'm done but I'm pretty proud of what I have so far and the ideas I've come up with.
Tangential thought: It might be time for me to start adding photos to my posts again on a regular basis. Surprise again! Lots of text is boring and you probably hate reading so much with no break. Sorry, kids.
In other news, Differential Equations is way harder than I anticipated but mostly because I took Calc 2 in Fall of 2010 and haven't looked at an ounce of math since then. Everyone in class is casually deriving and integrating the crap out of things and I'm just like, "Oh god oh no, where did that e come from????" Hopefully eventually I'll figure out how numbers work again. At least I take pretty notes.

It's always interesting to tell someone I'm taking DiffEq because this is literally how it always goes down:
Me: [Listing classes]... and DiffEq.
Engineering Student: Oh, do you have Boudjelkha?
Me: Yeah.
Engineering Student: You'll be fine, it's super easy.

Me: [Listing classes]... and DiffEq.
Me: Thanks.

So I think for my own sanity I'm going to believe the engineers. Hopefully the fact that I went to a math and science high school will let DiffEq seep into my brain and just hang out there and I'll know everything eventually. I can dream.

Now for something completely different: I've finally jumped on the tumblr wagon! I'm just using it as a place to post design stuff that I love so if you're not into that then don't click on this link:
If you're into funny things and college and haikus then click on this link: (a collaborative project between me and my friend M)

That's all for now I think! Later potaters.