Monday, December 31, 2012

Farewell, 2012!

You'd have to say it like "Farewell, two-thousand" for it to really work but just go with it.

So, like I said I would yesterday, I'm getting back to you about Mindy Kaling's book "Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (and Other Concerns)". It was wonderful! SO many of the things she said I really connected with and now I feel like I'm best bros with Mindy, so that's pretty cool. For example, she has always had an aversion to athletic things and would rather read on the bleachers than ever participate in gym class (my life), she (obviously) loves comedy, and just doesn't know why we can't have a standard definition for the term "hooking up" (a conversation I've had with my friend G numerous times), and we have the same definition for the aforementioned term. I won't tell you what it is though, so now you have to read her book! HA! But really it's great and it's fairly short so no one has an excuse.

In other news, it's the last day of 2012, which I think is pretty great. This year was kind of weird and it'll be nice to move to a year where I can start all over, sort of. The only stupid ting is that 2013 is the grossest number ever and I'm mad that by graduating early I've moved from Class of 2014 (isn't that such a nice looking, respectable number?) to Class of 2013 (ew. just look at that 3). Aesthetics of numerals aside, I'm super pumped to be graduating a semester early. I don't know really how it happened, where I transferred and everything, but I'm certainly not complaining. Fingers crossed for jobs and other cool things!

I think that's about it for today's update. I'm cleaning my house like a madwoman trying to ring in the new year in something not so much resembling a pig sty, but one can only do so much.

Adios, friends. Adios, 2012.