Sunday, December 30, 2012

'Sweezy's Back!

Woah. Okay. So. I haven't written in over a year and there are some good school-related and some not-so-good procrastination reasons for that. So overall, sorry. My b. I suck at this.

Yesterday I read Tina Fey's "Bossypants" and it was absolutely everything I hoped it would be. Ms. Fey is one of my role models and reading her story in her own words was amazing. As my family can confirm, I spent all of yesterday curled up in a chair in the corner of my grandparents' living room giggling to myself. While reading. I wasn't just sitting by myself giggling at nothing. Thanks. Anyway, read that book if you haven't already, it's great. Tonight I'll read Mindy Kaling's "Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns)" and I'm super excited about that too, so I'll let you know. I had to stop writing halfway through that last sentence because I realized I had left my Kindle in the car and I needed to get it before I forgot again and had to go out into two-foot snowdrifts at 3am to get it. Maine.

Anywho, things are different nowadays, I'm going to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in Troy, New York now, which I think I said in my last post, but that was over a year ago so who can say.
Well, turns out that by taking a second to look through my post history, I can say. I did tell you, so stop asking about it. It's fine, and I'm graduating a semester early so *yaaaaaay* to that. I don't know anything about my major, but c'est la vie. Speaking of French, I suck at it these days and I'm mad. Boo RPI for having no language classes. Luckily Duolingo exists and is beautiful and I love it (They recently added Portuguese and Italian in addition to the German, French, Spanish, and English they already had as learning options! Freakin' sweet!). 

Other news: 
  • The MacBook Pro I ordered is coming tomorrow and I'm going to flip a biscuit, I'm so excited.
  • ALSO it's New Year's Eve tomorrow, but you knew that, you're a smart person. You also probably own a calendar and, unrelatedly, are glad the world didn't actually end last week (and if you're like myself you never thought it would in the first place, but dream on, dreamers). 
  • I just finished "A Dance with Dragons", the fifth installment of George R.R. Martin's beautiful A Song of Ice and Fire series (should I put that in quotations? hmm). SO MUCH INTENSITY I CAN'T HANDLE IT. And I can't wait like six years for the next one to come out, so speed it up, Georgey. 
  • My current internet addictions: Amazon Mechanical Turk, Neopets (don't judge me, I'm bored and my 10-year-old self needs to get a game trophy), Pinterest, Designspiration, and Netflix.
  • My sister got Just Dance 4 for Christmas so that's entertainment for the whole family that I would highly recommend. (Part of the entertainment is watching your family try to figure out hip-hop dance moves.)
That's all for now, I think. I can smell garlic downstairs, so I'm pretty sure that's my cue to go eat a bunch. I'll be back soon. Probably in 2013 but hopefully not as late as December  :)