Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Sweezy Summer Update

So I'm officially the worst blogger in the history of the blogosphere. Sorry to everyone who is even still reading this that I never update at all! Excuse time: I've been working six days a week and nothing super interesting happens to me in the time between.
Anyway, here's an update on my life:
I've transferred from BU to RPI and I'll be starting there in the fall so I have to think up a sweet new name for my blog. I'm now an Electronic Media, Arts, and Communication (EMAC) major, which means that I get to learn graphic design, animation, communication, management, and design in bits and pieces, but my main specialization at this point in time is graphic design.
Last month I bought a Wacom Bamboo Pen & Touch graphics tablet that I'll need for my classes, and I've started playing around with it every once in a while. I've been putting my favorite creations on my flickr. Here's a little preview in the form of a pig from Minecraft:
Piggers (original on top)

Aside from tablet-ing, I've been wasting the days away Stumbling in the Food/Cooking topic, and have become obsessed with foodgawker.com, a brilliant and delicious little waste of time that has allowed me to build up a large folder of bookmarked recipes. As you may have noticed, I've also been experimenting with adding links into my posts (or post, I should say). Oh, what one can learn when one actually opens one's eyes!
This post was going to be a lot longer and ended up being more like pulling teeth than blogging for fun, so here we are. Once the school year gets back up and running I'll probably be able to blog more often (a factor of procrastination rather than productivity in any sense).  As for tonight, I'm absolutely exhausted and I need some sleep to power me through my next six-day work-week. It'll be the second-to-last, though, so that's a bittersweet thought!
Next up on the blog's agenda: either a post raving about eggs and how freaking wonderful they are, or a back-to-school special. Time will tell.
'Til then, adios! :)