Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Sweezy Summer Update

So I'm officially the worst blogger in the history of the blogosphere. Sorry to everyone who is even still reading this that I never update at all! Excuse time: I've been working six days a week and nothing super interesting happens to me in the time between.
Anyway, here's an update on my life:
I've transferred from BU to RPI and I'll be starting there in the fall so I have to think up a sweet new name for my blog. I'm now an Electronic Media, Arts, and Communication (EMAC) major, which means that I get to learn graphic design, animation, communication, management, and design in bits and pieces, but my main specialization at this point in time is graphic design.
Last month I bought a Wacom Bamboo Pen & Touch graphics tablet that I'll need for my classes, and I've started playing around with it every once in a while. I've been putting my favorite creations on my flickr. Here's a little preview in the form of a pig from Minecraft:
Piggers (original on top)

Aside from tablet-ing, I've been wasting the days away Stumbling in the Food/Cooking topic, and have become obsessed with foodgawker.com, a brilliant and delicious little waste of time that has allowed me to build up a large folder of bookmarked recipes. As you may have noticed, I've also been experimenting with adding links into my posts (or post, I should say). Oh, what one can learn when one actually opens one's eyes!
This post was going to be a lot longer and ended up being more like pulling teeth than blogging for fun, so here we are. Once the school year gets back up and running I'll probably be able to blog more often (a factor of procrastination rather than productivity in any sense).  As for tonight, I'm absolutely exhausted and I need some sleep to power me through my next six-day work-week. It'll be the second-to-last, though, so that's a bittersweet thought!
Next up on the blog's agenda: either a post raving about eggs and how freaking wonderful they are, or a back-to-school special. Time will tell.
'Til then, adios! :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Cupcakes So Good You Could Die...

Every year I make cupcakes for my boyfriend's birthday. They're usually just plain vanilla cupcakes with buttercream frosting. I was ready to make the same old batch of 24 when, a week before his birthday, I had the most wonderful brainsplosion at work. KAHLUA BROWNIE CUPCAKES. Both the boyfriend and I love Kahlua brownie ice cream, so I figured I'd at least attempt to find a recipe worthy of the birthday cupcake throne. So, I present to you, Our Little Beehive's Mocha Brownie Cupcakes with Kahlua Mocha Frosting (freaking awesome).
Now, I would've documented my cupcake-making experience, but I've been out of blog-mode for so long that I just totally forgot. Some notes about this recipe:
  • It only makes 22 cupcakes, rather than the standard 24, which is a little weird, but these are the richest cupcake/brownie hybrids you will ever eat in your entire life, so deal with it.
  • I used around a cup less of confectioner's sugar than the recipe calls for, but since it's added as needed, that shouldn't really be an issue. 
  • The frosting ended up being this moussy, cheesecakey(almost), and delicious freaking mass that I wanted to eat all at once. I say mass because I might've made mine a bit dryer than I should've (even without the whole measurement of sugar) so it was kind of hard to spread, and might be impossible to pipe, but a little definitely goes a long way. 
  • When you hear brownie cupcake you might expect the cake to be dry, but even a few days after being made the cake was still moist and amazing. Bonus points!
Seriously, once you eat one of these you'll be full and sugared-out for like three years. It's awesome. 

That is all! Please please please try these. Everyone in your life will thank you. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Marathon Monday!?

What a ridiculously awesome holiday. Thank you, Boston, for being so freakin' cool! I stood amongst literally thousands of drunk college kids screaming for people they didn't even know. It was awesome, like the Mardi Gras of Beantown!

These pictures are from during the huge crowds of slightly more than averagely awesome runners who weren't in the front or the back of the race. whatever. Unfortunately, it doesn't really show legitimately how many freaking people there were. SO MANY. and probably more police. 


PS Sorry that I haven't posted in a month and a half. I'm a loser with school things to do. Also I rediscovered The Big Bang Theory, so I've been watching that since the beginning of season 3. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Simmer Down, Y'all.

So. Snowstorms. Every week? More like super weak. Everyone needs to calm down about the snow. This is New England. It's not a big deal.
Personally, I'm getting pretty sick of people complaining about "how much snow!!" we're getting in Boston. 21" is not a lot of snow. My sophomore year in high school, my town got 186" of snow. For those of you who can't do math and/or don't have a calculator handy, that's 15.5 feet. That means your first floor is now just about as bright as a root cellar and the plows don't even bother. But you know what? People suck it up and go where they need to go.
So basically, when we're talking about 2 feet, it's like calling a bittersweet nonpareil a three-tier triple-chocolate cake of evil. Or complaining about a breeze to someone who lives in a freezer.
tl;dr: Calm down and quit pretending you're so busy all the time. Why do you walk so fast, anyway? You're not going to die, you're probably just going to get school off because Boston is super inefficient with snow removal. Or you might get stuck on the T... but you still wouldn't die.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Be-Boppin on Photoshop

So recently it's been ridiculously cold in Boston. (I got back on Monday night and it's been snowing like crazy almost the whole time!) This coldness makes me very unmotivated to go out and around and take pictures for you guys, unfortunately. So this weekend I decided to learn more Photoshop techniques. I'm pretty proud of most of them, so I'd like to share my progress with you guys! Hopefully soon enough I'll be taking pictures again and actually edit them before I put them on here so they don't look so stupid.
I made a Flickr account, which I should've done under the name BeeSweezy, but I forgot, though I did remember in time to make my photostream link for your ease and viewing pleasure.
Please enjoy! Comments, suggestions, or tutorials for me to try out would be greatly appreciated!! :D