Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Cupcakes So Good You Could Die...

Every year I make cupcakes for my boyfriend's birthday. They're usually just plain vanilla cupcakes with buttercream frosting. I was ready to make the same old batch of 24 when, a week before his birthday, I had the most wonderful brainsplosion at work. KAHLUA BROWNIE CUPCAKES. Both the boyfriend and I love Kahlua brownie ice cream, so I figured I'd at least attempt to find a recipe worthy of the birthday cupcake throne. So, I present to you, Our Little Beehive's Mocha Brownie Cupcakes with Kahlua Mocha Frosting (freaking awesome).
Now, I would've documented my cupcake-making experience, but I've been out of blog-mode for so long that I just totally forgot. Some notes about this recipe:
  • It only makes 22 cupcakes, rather than the standard 24, which is a little weird, but these are the richest cupcake/brownie hybrids you will ever eat in your entire life, so deal with it.
  • I used around a cup less of confectioner's sugar than the recipe calls for, but since it's added as needed, that shouldn't really be an issue. 
  • The frosting ended up being this moussy, cheesecakey(almost), and delicious freaking mass that I wanted to eat all at once. I say mass because I might've made mine a bit dryer than I should've (even without the whole measurement of sugar) so it was kind of hard to spread, and might be impossible to pipe, but a little definitely goes a long way. 
  • When you hear brownie cupcake you might expect the cake to be dry, but even a few days after being made the cake was still moist and amazing. Bonus points!
Seriously, once you eat one of these you'll be full and sugared-out for like three years. It's awesome. 

That is all! Please please please try these. Everyone in your life will thank you.