Saturday, January 22, 2011

Be-Boppin on Photoshop

So recently it's been ridiculously cold in Boston. (I got back on Monday night and it's been snowing like crazy almost the whole time!) This coldness makes me very unmotivated to go out and around and take pictures for you guys, unfortunately. So this weekend I decided to learn more Photoshop techniques. I'm pretty proud of most of them, so I'd like to share my progress with you guys! Hopefully soon enough I'll be taking pictures again and actually edit them before I put them on here so they don't look so stupid.
I made a Flickr account, which I should've done under the name BeeSweezy, but I forgot, though I did remember in time to make my photostream link for your ease and viewing pleasure.
Please enjoy! Comments, suggestions, or tutorials for me to try out would be greatly appreciated!! :D